Results for 'Paula Karina Manrique Carvajal'

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  1.  7
    Efecto pathémico y veridicción en una crónica multimodal sobre la violencia de Estado en Colombia.Giomar Daniela Gómez Camacho & Paula Karina Manrique Carvajal - 2020 - Revista Disertaciones 9 (2):115-133.
    Este estudio expone la posibilidad de abordaje de un texto multimodal a partir de la integración del concepto de pathos. De ahí que busque ver la manera en la que los modos del corpus se integran para dar sostén a un efecto sensibilizador en quien lee. La metodología que se propone corresponde a la propuesta de la Gramática de la Multimodalidad y del concepto de “sinestesia” de Cope y Kalantzis. Además, se plantea un análisis aplicado de la propuesta del influjo (...)
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    Depresión, desregulación emocional y estrategias de afrontamiento en adolescentes con conductas de autolesión.Gildardo Bautista Hernández Bautista Hernández, Jose Angel Vera Noriega, Francisco Antonio Machado Moreno & Claudia Karina Rodríguez Carvajal - 2021 - Acta Colombiana de Psicología 25 (1):137-150.
    In Mexico, there is little research on the study of self-injury and even less on possible explanatory models. With this in mind, this study aimed to determine the relationship between self-injury and depression, emotional dysregulation, and coping styles, to generate an explanatory model of the problem. The study was carried out using a quantitative, cross-sectional, explanatory scope, design and a sample of 5835 adolescents enrolled in 62 public high schools in the state of Sonora. Logistic regressions were performed for data (...)
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  3. Epistemologías del Sur: epistemologias do Sul.Maria Paula Meneses & Karina Bidaseca (eds.) - 2018 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina: CLACSO.
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    Uniting theory and data: the promise and challenge of creating an honest model of facial expression.Sophie Wohltjen, Yolanda Ivette Colón, Zihao Zhu, Karina Miller, Wei-Chun Huang, Bilge Mutlu, Yin Li & Paula M. Niedenthal - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    People routinely use facial expressions to communicate successfully and to regulate other’s behaviour, yet modelling the form and meaning of these facial behaviours has proven surprisingly complex. One reason for this difficulty may lie in an over-reliance on the assumptions inherent in existing theories of facial expression – specifically that (1) there is a putative set of facial expressions that signal an internal state of emotion, (2) patterns of facial movement have been empirically linked to the prototypical emotions in this (...)
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  5. What the...! The role of inner speech in conscious thought.Fernando Martínez-Manrique & Agustin Vicente - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (9-10):141-67.
    Abstract: Introspection reveals that one is frequently conscious of some form of inner speech, which may appear either in a condensed or expanded form. It has been claimed that this speech reflects the way in which language is involved in conscious thought, fulfilling a number of cognitive functions. We criticize three theories that address this issue: Bermúdez’s view of language as a generator of second-order thoughts, Prinz’s development of Jackendoff’s intermediate-level theory of consciousness, and Carruthers’s theory of inner speech as (...)
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    Do Unfair Procedures Predict Employees’ Ethical Behavior by Deactivating Formal Regulations?Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (3):411-425.
    The purpose of this study was to extend the knowledge about why procedural justice has behavioral implications within organizations. Since prior studies show that PJ leads to legitimacy, the author suggests that, when formal regulations are unfairly implemented, they lose their validity or efficacy. This “rule deactivation,” in turn, leads to two proposed destructive work behaviors, namely, workplace deviance and decreased citizenship behaviors. The results support this mediating role of RD, thus suggesting that it forms part of the generative mechanism (...)
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  7. La trama del desarrollo: hacia una noción "desarrollada" del desarrollo.Alvaro Carvajal - 2007 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 45 (115):41-56.
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  8. Progreso tecnológico sí; pero de otra manera.Alvaro Carvajal - 2007 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 45 (114):9-21.
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  9. La instrospección y el uso cognitivo del lenguaje.Fernando Martínez Manrique & Agustín Vicente Benito - 2005 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):63-78.
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    «Ley natural» y «virtud»: una relación necesaria para la inculturación de la moral.Román Ángel Pardo Manrique - 2011 - Salmanticensis 58 (3):465-512.
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    Employees’ Reactions to Peers’ Unfair Treatment by Supervisors: The Role of Ethical Leadership.Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara & Miguel A. Suárez-Acosta - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):537-549.
    Little is known about employee reactions in the form of un/ethical behavior to perceived acts of unfairness toward their peers perpetrated by the supervisor. Based on prior work suggesting that third parties also make fairness judgments and respond to the way employees are treated, this study first suggests that perceptions of interactional justice for peers (IJP) lead employees to two different responses to injustice at work: deviant workplace behaviors (DWBs) and organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs). Second, based on prior literature pointing (...)
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  12.  49
    Exploring the Influence of Ethical Climate on Employee Compassion in the Hospitality Industry.Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara & Rita Guerra-Baez - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (3):605-617.
    The model emphasizes the ethical dynamics of compassion in hospitality settings by suggesting that under an organizational ethical climate, the hotel staff will be more morally aware of peers’ pain and suffering, and motivated to participate in delivering compassion. Based on the positive psychology focus on compassion as individual states and traits supporting interpersonal dealings, the paper operationalizes compassion based on four individual factors involved in the compassionate process: empathic concern, or an other-oriented emotional response elicited by and congruent with (...)
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    Customer Loyalty in Recreational Long-Distance Races: Differences Between Novice and Experienced Runners.David Cabello-Manrique, Antonio Fernández-Martínez, Antonio Francisco Roca Cruz, Borja García-García & Alberto Nuviala - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    A growing number of recreational races are being held in different locations, drawing many local and visiting runners. This study examined the relationships between quality, value, satisfaction, and loyalty among runners in a recreational race and examines potential differences in relationships between these constructs based on the runners’ experience. The participants were 985 runners with a mean age of 40.74±9.41years. Validated, reliable ad hoc instruments were used. A multi-group analysis was performed to ascertain the existence of relationships between the constructs (...)
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    On the Psychological Reality of the Minimal Proposition.Fernando Martinez-Manrique & Agustin Vicente - 2009 - In Philippe de Brabanter & Mikhail Kissine, Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models. Emmerald Publishers. pp. 1.
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    Performatividad, liminalidad y politicidad en la práctica teatral del colectivo La Patogallina.Fernanda Carvajal - 2009 - Aisthesis 45.
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    Estado seguro — ciudadano amenazado: El paradigma de la seguridad y sus gestos simbólicos.German Londoño Carvajal - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:119-129.
    En este trabajo propongo como tema de reflexión el paradigma securitario en las democracias contemporáneas —con una particular y casi exclusiva referencia a Colombia—. Este paradigma postula la seguridad como valor principal y como principio fundamental del Estado, que soslaya los clásicos pilares del Estado Social y democrático de derecho. ¿En qué consiste ese paradigma? ¿Cuáles son sus bases fundamentales y, sobre todo, cuáles son sus repercusiones en la vida cotidiana de los ciudadanos? Este será el punto de partida para (...)
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  17. Emoción, modularidad y acción racional.Fernando Martínez Manrique - 2009 - Universitas Philosophica 26 (52):107-131.
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    Hablar para pensar: sobre el uso del lenguaje en el pensamiento.Fernando Martínez Manrique & Agustín Vicente - 2008 - Análisis Filosófico 28 (1):91-112.
    En este artículo examinamos la última propuesta de Carruthers acerca del papel del lenguaje en cuanto emisor global de pensamientos en una arquitectura masivamente modular, centrándonos en dos aspectos: el habla interna como integrador intermodular y su función para explicar la creatividad de la cognición humana. En primer lugar argumentamos que el lenguaje no es suficiente para la integración intermodular, a partir de lo que llamamos el "problema de la audiencia": las oraciones compuestas por el módulo lingüístico, que incorporan información (...)
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    Vida humana y cultura europea. En torno a la bioética y biopolítica.Román Ángel Pardo Manrique - 2013 - Salmanticensis 60 (1):95-126.
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  20. Lord, Beth:" Kant and Spinozism. Transcendental Idealism and Immanence from Jacobi to Deleuze".Julián Carvajal - 2012 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 29 (1):380-383.
  21.  6
    Contribución kantiana a una crítica de la razón histórica: la mediación naturaleza-libertad.Julián Carvajal Cordón - 2005 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 32:249-270.
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  22. Entrevista con el profesor Suresh A. Upadhyaya.Amparo Velasco Carvajal - 2006 - Critica 56 (936):102-103.
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  23. Humanismo, posmodernidad e historia reciente.Guillermo Carvajal Alvarado (ed.) - 2004 - San José, Costa Rica: Librería Alma Mater.
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    Information competence in professional training.Bárbara María Carvajal Hernández & Colunga Santos - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):526-545.
    El artículo tiene como objetivo describir las competencias informacionales a desarrollar durante la formación profesional. Se presenta los referentes teóricos a partir del empleo de un enfoque de sistema que supone el análisis y la síntesis, la inducción y la deducción como métodos de investigación, con el propósito de dar conocer los hitos en las universidades y organizaciones internacionales relacionadas. La modelación fue empleada para la construcción de un nuevo proyecto de desarrollo de competencias informacionales desde la perspectiva de la (...)
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    Identidad Social en Amartya Sen: vinculando libertad y responsabilidad en democracia.María Rosario Carvajal Muñoz - 2015 - Arbor 191 (775):a269.
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  26. La historia del nuevo continente: una visión alterna desde la obra narrativa de Abel Posse.Gustavo Ramón Carvajal - 2011 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 20:187-198.
    This research tries to emphasize the unofficial treatment of historical facts in the new historical novels. Los perros del paraíso (Paradise Dogs), by Argentinean writer Abel Posse, shows a particular management of eroticism as a fundamental narrative axis of the events starring Cristobal Colón, Isabel de Castilla and Fernando de Aragón. The novel presents a way to assume the world mediated by power and carnal desire, where the last one, in particular, is the factor that determines the big historical changes (...)
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    Leibniz: máquinas inteligentes, multiculturalismo y ética de la vida.Álvaro Carvajal Villaplana (ed.) - 2019 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
  28.  41
    Hernández Betancur, Juan Pablo. "Racionalidad y acción no reflexiva. El debate Dreyfus-McDowell.".John Jairo Madrid Carvajal - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (162):399-401.
    Hernández Betancur, Juan Pablo. “Racionalidad y acción no reflexiva. El debate Dreyfus-McDowell.” Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía [Ciudad de México, UNAM], 47.140 (2015): 43-63.
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    Derrida’s Conception of Justice as an “Absolute Secret” and the Contamination of Kantian Respect.Carlos A. Manrique - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (Supplement):200-205.
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    La pluralidad científica y los métodos de interpretación jurídico constitucional.Manrique Jiménez Meza - 1997 - San José, Costa Rica: Mundo Gráfico.
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    Actividad antimicrobiana del aceite esencial de Clinopodium pulchellum Govaerts «panizara», frente a Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Staphylococcus aureus.Edgar Tapia Manrique, Betsabeth Rivera Castillo, Américo Castro Luna, Martín Cordorhuamán Figueroa, Christian Quispe Yalli & Diego Valdivieso Márquez - 2019 - Cultura 33:399-415.
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    Does Ethical Leadership Motivate Followers to Participate in Delivering Compassion?Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara & Mercedes Viera-Armas - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):195-210.
    Little is known about whether followers who perceive ethical leadership are more easily moved to act compassionately with peers. This study hypothesizes four compassionate feelings as mediators of the relationship between ethical leadership and interpersonal citizenship behavior directed at peers: empathic concern or an other-oriented emotional response elicited by and congruent with the perceived welfare of a peer in need; mindfulness, a state of consciousness in which attention is focused on present-moment phenomena; kindness, understanding the pain or suffering of peers; (...)
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    The role of anomia on the relationship between organisational justice perceptions and organisational citizenship online behaviours.Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara & Santiago Melián-González - 2009 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 7 (1):72-85.
    PurposeAnomic feelings are predicted to play a moderating role in the relationship between organisational justice perceptions and the citizenship use of the organisation's internet access, or cybercivism. The purpose of this paper is to hypothesise that, just as AFs are supported in prior research as able to intensify the negative effects of organisational justice on cyberloafing, they will also intensify the positive effects of OJ on cybercivism.Design/methodology/approachData were collected from 270 of the 1,547 respondents at a public university.FindingsExcept in the (...)
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    A Study of Why Anomic Employees Harm Co-workers: Do Uncompassionate Feelings Matter?Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara & Rita M. Guerra-Báez - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (4):1117-1132.
    Although anomic feelings have been found to lead employees to unethical performance, little is known about why this relationship is possible. The aim of this study is to test a compassion-based explanation of why anomic employees harm co-workers by displaying interpersonal deviance. The prediction is made that once sociological anomie enters organizations in the form of employees’ private feelings of anomie—i.e., “anomia”—, this anomia will individually move staff to be uncompassionate in the workplace. Three uncompassionate feelings toward co-workers are then (...)
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  35. “Textualidad” Y hermenéutica de la acción: Aportes a la polémica epistemológica en ciencias sociales desde Paul Ricoeur.Luis Felipe Rodríguez Manrique - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 32 (105):79-88.
    El documento expone los antecedentes sugeridos por Paul Ricoeur sobre lo que podría denominarse “la polémica epistemológica en ciencias sociales”, referidos a la formulación de un método legítimo para la investigación en dichas ciencias que responda a las particularidades propias de su objeto de estudio. En este sentido, se rastrea la cuestión en la tradición hermenéutica romántica, concretamente en el pensamiento de Wilhelm Dilthey, pasando por la teoría estructural de estudio del texto escrito y la formulación de una teoría de (...)
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    Befitting imagery: Sights of ideology in enlightened argument.Christa Carvajal - 1995 - Semiotica 103 (1-2):133-144.
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  37. El concepto de verbo en la tradición gramatical española.Herman Carvajal Lazo - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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    El humanismo en tiempos de la postmodernidad.Guillermo Carvajal Alvarado - 2007 - San José: Librería Alma Mater.
  39. La idea de hombre y la sistematización de la Filosofía.Julián Carvajal - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez, Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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    Le trans : un archétype de l'ex en tous genres?Fernando Carvajal Sánchez - 2014 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 205 (3):23-36.
    L’article explore le statut du trans en partant de l’hypothèse qu’il incarne mieux que quiconque l’archétype de l’ex en tous genres : pour les trans plus que pour tout autre, la rupture est une dimension constitutive de l’existence. La présente contribution se fonde sur une recherche sur la construction identitaire chez les trans, recherche menée auprès de six personnes à partir d’entretiens semi--directifs, d’observation et d’entretiens téléphoniques. Il fait référence aux « grandeurs » de Boltanski et Thévenot (1991). Les résultats (...)
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    The role of anomia on the relationship between organisational justice perceptions and organisational citizenship online behaviours.Pablo Zoghbi‐Manrique‐de‐Lara & Santiago Melián‐González - 2009 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 7 (1):72-85.
    PurposeAnomic feelings are predicted to play a moderating role in the relationship between organisational justice perceptions and the citizenship use of the organisation's internet access, or cybercivism. The purpose of this paper is to hypothesise that, just as AFs are supported in prior research as able to intensify the negative effects of organisational justice on cyberloafing, they will also intensify the positive effects of OJ on cybercivism.Design/methodology/approachData were collected from 270 of the 1,547 respondents at a public university.FindingsExcept in the (...)
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  42. Inner Speech: Nature and Functions.Agustin Vicente & Fernando Martinez Manrique - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (3):209-219.
    We very often discover ourselves engaged in inner speech. It seems that this kind of silent, private, speech fulfils some role in our cognition, most probably related to conscious thinking. Yet, the study of inner speech has been neglected by philosophy and psychology alike for many years. However, things seem to have changed in the last two decades. Here we review some of the most influential accounts about the phenomenology and the functions of inner speech, as well as the methodological (...)
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  43.  28
    Two Objections to the Selfish Gene Theory.Julián Bohórquez Carvajal & Reinaldo Bernal Velásquez - 2023 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 27 (3):373-396.
    We advance two objections to the selfish gene theory formulated by Richard Dawkins, which states that natural selection operates on genetic replicators. These objections target three of the essential features of the theory. The first feature is the exclusivity that the theory ascribes to genetic replicators as objects of natural selection. We call it “the exclusivity clause”. The second and third features correspond to two criteria that genetic replicators must satisfy for Dawkins’ theory to hold. We call them “the stability (...)
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    San Blas, Nayarit, space, knowledge and flavors. Documentation of gastronomic heritage for tourism purposes.Wendy Guadalupe Carvajal-Hermosillo, Patricia Robles-Rosales & José Salvador Rocha-Arteaga - forthcoming - Revista de Filosofía y Cotidianidad.
    On the twelfth anniversary of the name of Mexican Gastronomy as intangible cultural heritage of humanity, its safeguarding continues in different contexts. Nayarit stands out for its natural and cultural wealth which is reflected in the local gastronomy, whose recognition attracts locals and foreigners to taste the delicious dishes. This text contains research results whose purpose is to document the cultural and natural elements that make up the gastronomic heritage of Nayarit with potential for the development of tourism products. Through (...)
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  45. Shaping your own mind: the self-mindshaping view on metacognition.Víctor Fernández-Castro & Fernando Martínez-Manrique - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (1):139-167.
    Starting from Proust’s distinction between the self-attributive and self-evaluative views on metacognition, this paper presents a third view: self-mindshaping. Based on the notion of mindshaping as the core of social cognition, the self-mindshaping view contends that mindshaping abilities can be turned on one’s own mind. Against the self-attributive view, metacognition is not a matter of accessing representations to metarepresent them but of giving shape to those representations themselves. Against the self-evaluative view, metacognition is not blind to content but relies heavily (...)
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    The effect of grade level on WISC-R IQs of 6-year-olds.Howard H. Carvajal, Larry A. Roth, Cooper B. Holmes & Gregory L. Page - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (4):317-318.
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    Del ensayo literario al ensayo audiovisual: correspondencias y estrategias.Isleny Cruz Carvajal - 2021 - Arbor 197 (801):a611.
    Este artículo refleja el estado de la cuestión de las correspondencias conceptuales, formales, lingüísticas y sociopolíticas del ensayo fílmico / audiovisual respecto a los cánones del ensayo literario. Resume los aportes teóricos esenciales en ambos campos. La exploración descifra cómo unos patrones de base permanecen idénticos por compartir una misma raíz en la experiencia reflexionada por el sujeto, pero su traslación al medio audiovisual, aun manteniendo una indudable convivencia de equivalencias, da cuenta de diferencias lingüísticas relativas a las propiedades de (...)
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    Decentralized Competition Produces Nonlinear Dynamics Akin to Klinotaxis.Pedro Manrique, Mason Klein, Yao Sheng Li, Chen Xu, Pak Ming Hui & Neil Johnson - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-8.
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    Delitos de odio y motivos emocionales.María Laura Manrique - 2019 - Análisis Filosófico 39 (2):191-220.
    En este trabajo, respondo algunas de las críticas tradicionales al modo agravado de reprochar ciertos motivos emocionales. En particular, me centro en si existe alguna justificación para castigar más gravemente los delitos cometidos por ciertos motivos o, si, por el contrario, ese reproche es, en última instancia, solo una manera especial de censurar los “pensamientos malvados” de los agentes. Restrinjo mi análisis a una importante propuesta, formulada por Heidi Hurd y Michael Moore, con la esperanza de que esta discusión crítica (...)
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  50. La introspección y el uso cognitivo del lenguaje.F. MartÍnez Manrique & A. Vicente - 2005 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 24 (1).
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